Why "Paradise Lost"?

Probably you are wondering why i named my blog this name particularly. Paradise Lost was one of the essays that i have written in the last semester, and during the time i have worked on researching about this subject i have found many interesting things and themes which made me think about a lot of things.

Let me first make a brief summary for the story.
Paradise Lost is a story written in prose (poetic language) written by John Milton. It talks about the story of Adam and Eve; how they lived in paradise, and how they ended up on earth.
The Plot: God created Adam and Eve as first humans, of course we all know the story of Satan's refusal to accept the human kind as a race which is more valued than his, so he decided to get in a fight with the angels and whoever was with the human's side. God did not allowed such actions from Satan so he kicked him and his followers from heaven, but he threatened that he'll find thousands of ways to make humans disobey God and be sinners...you know the rest of the story probably from The Qura'an or The Bible, because those were Milton's sources when he wrote this excellent piece of work.

Of course you now wonder: What make this story very interesting and highly appreciated by many critics?

Some critics say that it is the way that Milton described his characters, as if there were an ancient Greek heroes.

i read some of the poem, i can say that there are many things which can make this poem so wonderful:

1. The way that Milton uses his literary talents to deliver his messages. He wants to let people know that there is something called sin and something called dead, if u sinned you will be punished about it and if you have done a good dead then you will get what do you deserve.

2. Milton highlights in many lines of the poem that no matter what, God is the most respected power of the universe and we all must obey him, because our destiny in his hands and we are just have the ability to make choices. (this is a philosophical idea which made many philosophers question it 'the idea of the free-well and what is already written in the book)

3. The greatest thing ever in my opinion, the symbolism, which is related to all the points. Milton did not use a direct way to deliver his message, he used symbols, a well-known story that people can learn a lesson from it.

Okey now enough of the analyzing. I know i made you bored to death but these are important things that really can change your way of seeing things and your way of thinking.

Now. Why did I called this blog by some famous poem from god-knows-how-many-years-before?

Well, think about it. Don't you think that we really lost our paradise?? I mean from the way that people act and their ignorant of religion and moral behavior. Most people did replace their happy ending by being fooled by what is called 'pleasures' or 'happiness' why do we fool ourselves??! Is it allowed to be happy while disobeying God rules?? Or they just ignoring that. Icannot really get it, it is the most confusing thing...paradise is offered for us on a silver plate but we go one and throw ourselves in the mud and laugh about...and when someone asks us we would say "IT IS THE EVIL SPIRITS" ...
Com on people!! Are you that stupid or you only good at pretending! ?
I want people to wake up and see what is it like to disobey who the one who has the greatest powers, the one who created us, who created this universe, and who can vanish you in less than a second.

Consider what you are doing and think many times before you do anything because you might regret it.

Thank you very much for visiting and I am sorry if I talked too much.
See you later all


  1. Hey that was cool :D !..i enjoyed reading the whole thing and hey calm down :p and btw dont say sorry u talked too much,iam glad u did talk cuz alot of useful intersting things what uve wrote i hope people just read this and hope that it might help them in their life and kinda have an influens in them..great work keep it up,and the blog looks great cuz it reminds me of those old british and french designs...its like napolions journal :P,amazing work Hope...cant wait to see more of these poems and stories keep it up :)


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