Caramelized Onions

My mom is used to watch those food channels, and whenever I am free I sit and watch with her, not that I like cooking, but it is only out of curiosity.
That day I so that woman cooking a dish, and she said something about caramelized onions, and I started to think, it is such a strange term, but as the way the cook described it, it sounded so delicious. So I thought, onions are known for there bad smell, it cannot b someone's favorite vegetable for example, but still, it can make a perfect combination with a very opposite ingredient, sugar, contrasting with each other to create such a delicious flavor.
Then I realized that there are many such contradiction in this world, contradiction that can create such a perfect unit. Although, the repeated stereotype known is that two alike are most likely can create a perfect unit, or a perfect couple, etc. But I guess it is totally the opposite, and life can show us many examples of this. Magnet for example, needs two opposite poles to be magnetized. What I am trying to say is that is it so beautiful when you make such a mixture of two opposite things, it makes it more harmonious I believe, because you will keep wondering how amazing that these two things, which have nothing to do with each other can create such a wonderful things. And I am not only talking about relationships here, anything looks good, the most simple example is colors, when you get dressed, sometimes you mix colors that are not likely to be mixed together, yet they look so stylish. I do not know if you got what I am trying to say here, it is as simple as this: break those rules which society keep telling u to follow, and open up for new things, even things that you cannot imagine that you will do, because only then you will have a meaning of what is life, and to feel liberated.


  1. first of all caramelized onions are not onions and sugar, they r only onions heated on the stove with a bit of oil or butter, when their color turn like caramel they r called caramelized onions, i've never ever thought heard about a mixture of onions and sugar! enlighten me please! and i cook!
    anyhow, when it comes to mixing to opposite forces or entitiess whatever they r, i dont think that they become compatible because merely they r opposite, i believe they become compatible because there is a kind of chemistry or attraction that is created by a higher power to join together (no i'm not talking about relationships only) even when you dress in a certain way, sometimes u wear the best clothes u have and still u do not feel comfortable in them, u might be praised from friends and family, yet u feel that u do not fit or u r not who u r in that outfit. what i'm trying to here, is that whether we r different or the same it is God to draws us closer or separate ur further away, whatever God decides it is for our own interests!

  2. Of course it is God who determine all these stuff, but I believe that there are things in this word that work as a devices, a conjure to inform us about the way this universe works. It does not matter whether we believe in the opposites or the similarities if we did not believe that all these circumstances have been created by a higher force, by a God who has the complete power over us.
    And about the caramelized onions, you are the expert in this area, I actually did not pay attention of the making of it, but I am more concerned with the term :P, "caramelized onions", sounds so paradoxical :P

  3. mn gaaaaal a7naa literature students!

    exactly! u put it is amazing words-as usual-. similarities, differences, semi-similarities, semi-differences! who cares! i think i'm an expert in differences! and i'm glad that i am, because it opened up areas to me i would not have known if i had stuck with the traditional way of thinking of my parents, and grandparents, i was able to think openly because i was exposed to different ideologies, and different ways of life, because of books mainly...
    anyhooow, the concept caramelized onions sounds paradoxical but in reality it is not, the color of onions turns to caramel because it contains shwaya sugar! ;D

  4. LOOOOL! I am proud of the person I am :D.
    And I agree with every word you said, we are lucky to have our mind, and I hope that, with our way of thinking, we will have the ability to change many wrong ideologies (I do not prefer the word 'wrong' honestly) but I mean the ideologies that caused misunderstandings, and mis-livings, I really hate seeing people living the wrong way of life while they can have the better.

  5. the ideologies that think that they r the only ones that r right! ;D


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