There is a Big Mess on my Desk!

I just love seeing my studying desk cluttered by all these messy objects; towers of books, topless pens, messed up paint tubes, dirty painting brushes, and papers hanging like dirty clothes on top of every corner and inside each notebook. This mess which I have created in a short period of time is the reason why I feel alive; like a human being. I think it reminds me that I can be something in this world, and that I have achievements that cannot be counted-- whether good or bad--they still counted as something that I have done and made a change in me, and this what really counts. I am not sure if I talked about this in previous posts or not, but I believe that objects have life, because it gives us from its life, to make us alive; alive in a sense that we are part of this busy world. In other words, when I look at my small library, I feel very alive, like all those books are communicating with me, telling me "you have read us, now share this with the world, make a life from our lifeless presence". And I just nod, and I smile, that knowledge that I gain, throughout me living as a human being, will eventually make me a better person, I cannot say best, because there is nothing called best, we are running in an endless race, which we not only have to be fast, but also fit in order to be winners. So, how messy is your desk?


  1. i dont have a desk! but my ENTIRE ROOOOM IS MESSSSSSSY u cant even walk, so figure it out ;p i have boooooks eveeerywhere! and they all scream at me all the time! i can feel them alive! they r alive though us! like u said they r like another human being from thoughts and feedbacks about our own experience in each book we read, i dont know if i'm making sense, i hope i am, but i think that this is another way to concieve another human being, a better, of thought and knowledge to change the world. as funny as this may sound, i truly believe in it, not that i'm again kids, but i dont think they r a necessity! ;D

  2. LOL kids are not a necessity?...interesting, well I prefer your way of conceiving :P, for we will make sure that they are receiving experiences and not silly stereotypes and world's trash. And, about your room, the more mess is always the better, but clean your room girl before you trip over something and hurt it, or hurt yourself :P

  3. olllaaa yal badleyaaat! a better way*
    against kids*
    and God know what else ;D

  4. CLEAN IT! NEVER! IT LOSES ITS ORIGINALITY! and yes i have been hurt by my books, tripped over stuff and fell sometimes. BUT WITH PLEASURE, HONOR, AND HUGEEEE SMILE! i like it messy! besides i dont know where to put my books if i cleaned it! i want everybook in reach i dont know when i will need it!
    and yeah i think the more we conceive thoughts from books, we give birth to better ones for the outer world, so people would benefit more. Gosh am i against read kids or what!


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