
Showing posts from March, 2010

Random Thoughts: Brain-Freeze Effect

Did you ever look the mirror and was not able to recognize the person whom you are looking at? I often do, I feel like I am losing myself in a maze which I do not remember how I got inside. It is the same feeling you have when you first wake up and you feel that you have lost your memory, you begin asking yourself which day is it? and it mostly takes a while for you to start recognizing things. I have been thinking about something lately, and it is suppose to be written as a post earlier, but I did not have the brains to put it in words. Honestly, even now, I am not completely sure about what I am writing. I am pretty sure that most of you will not get a clue of what I am talking about. Sorry about that. I guess this post meant to be just another wordy aimless waste of the words in the world of vocabulary. But I do love to use those words, to put abstract things into meanings. Sometimes I feel like words are a simple thing that reflects something really huge, and it is very silly that ...

There is a Big Mess on my Desk!

I just love seeing my studying desk cluttered by all these messy objects; towers of books, topless pens, messed up paint tubes, dirty painting brushes, and papers hanging like dirty clothes on top of every corner and inside each notebook. This mess which I have created in a short period of time is the reason why I feel alive; like a human being. I think it reminds me that I can be something in this world, and that I have achievements that cannot be counted-- whether good or bad--they still counted as something that I have done and made a change in me, and this what really counts. I am not sure if I talked about this in previous posts or not, but I believe that objects have life, because it gives us from its life, to make us alive; alive in a sense that we are part of this busy world. In other words, when I look at my small library, I feel very alive, like all those books are communicating with me, telling me "you have read us, now share this with the world, make a life from our li...

Caramelized Onions

My mom is used to watch those food channels, and whenever I am free I sit and watch with her, not that I like cooking, but it is only out of curiosity. That day I so that woman cooking a dish, and she said something about caramelized onions, and I started to think, it is such a strange term, but as the way the cook described it, it sounded so delicious. So I thought, onions are known for there bad smell, it cannot b someone's favorite vegetable for example, but still, it can make a perfect combination with a very opposite ingredient, sugar, contrasting with each other to create such a delicious flavor. Then I realized that there are many such contradiction in this world, contradiction that can create such a perfect unit. Although, the repeated stereotype known is that two alike are most likely can create a perfect unit, or a perfect couple, etc. But I guess it is totally the opposite, and life can show us many examples of this. Magnet for example, needs two opposite poles to be mag...

Keep Thinking...

I have always considered thinking as some sort of an enjoyment. It does make you alive and aware of things around you, things that have to be defined, although they look very obvious. Other times I feel thinking is the hardest process my mind could function, even if I am witnessing the clearest vision, it always invites itself as some sort of a dark cloud ready to blackout the light bulbs of my thoughts. This brings an important issue as I can see. The fight between thoughts of your beliefs and thoughts that you receive, it is hard at this time to see who is going to be the winner. And even harder to actually choose a side, you begin to feel lost, confused, and alienated from all that can make sense to you. You begin crawl inside that cave, looking for the answers in the dark, and there is no way in the world you can get your hand on a glimpse of light, because, by then, you become darkened by your own thoughts. Afterwards, you start to bleed, until you loose you natural color. Now, yo...

الحياة بالألوان

إنها الحياة ومن لا يعشقها هذه المجنونة , مليئة بالموسيقى والألوان لكننا من يوظفها تلك النغمات لتصبح إما معزوفة خالدة كضوء القمر لبيتهوفن أو لحن رخيص لا يصلح إلا لمن بأذنيه صمم , موسيقى المقابر تصدح مخلة توازن سيمفونية الحياة , كلما أردنا الحياة حرصت خفافيش الظلام على النعيق بأسماء الموت و ألوانه و عذاباته و ويلاته , ليملئونا موتا بعد موتٍ بعد موت , ألا تبا للموت فلن يأتينا مادمنا أحياء ولن يغفل عنا لحظة قدومه , فلنتمتع إذن بكل لحظة نحياها بقلوب صافية حالمة بمستقبل مشرق لنا و لمستقبل باهر لمن سيخلفنا , لنملأ الحياة بكل الألوان ونرسم أحلى الأوقات لنا ولكل من يعيش معنا , لنسمع كل الألحان الجميلة لنقرأ كل ما ترتاح له أعيننا و مداركنا , لنزرع كل حقولنا وروداً و ننزع كل أشواكنا العنصرية والفئوية والمذهبية , لنحافظ على شجرة الإنسانية , ونستظل بظلها حيث لا ظل إلا ظلها يمكن أن يؤوينا بعد عناء يوم عصيب . quoted from a reply by Nasser Alkandry

School Supplies!

Today I went to my sister to buy some school supplies for her. It was a new store, and I did like it pretty much, mostly because it had all that one needs to be creative and work on his artistic talents. I actually went there tending to buy a canvas to work on a new painting of mine, but seeing all the colors and the other things just made my head spin all over me and made me go to a whole different artistic world. And then I started to think, I should get myself a place like that, where I can give my brain a chance to be loose, to jump over the boundaries that our restricted society is putting in front of us. I believe that each person should have his personal area where he can be himself and surrounded by the things that he likes. Not only that, but also those things should be working as a chain, or a bridge to make sure he reaches the other half of this world, the one that our family and our society have told us this is where Satan lives. And they even did not go that place! How can...