
Showing posts from February, 2009

A Trip to Nowhere

How lovely is it to forget everything in your mind and just enjoy your moment, to be away from the noise and the crowd, to breath the fresh air of the country side. Enjoying the life's simplicity is amazing, it makes us renew our energy, developing a new mood instead of the one that got ruined by life's complications. Try it if you did not. Take a trip to nowhere, away from the places you always go to. breath like you never breathed before, live the day as it was your last, do the things you love with the people you love, and notice how calm you will be, how happy and pleased by doing very simple stuff. I know I sound like a yoga trainer or something. But I want to let people know how useful is it to be simple. Do not care how much work you have to finish, how your life is miserable! These things never end and if you kept dragging them to everywhere you go you will be so heavy and tired to enjoy life. Throw all the weighs behind your shoulder, feel light as a feather, free l...

In Arabic: الحاجز بين الاستمتاع و الجد

أريد أن أهدي هذا الموضوع إلى واحدة من أعز صديقاتي ، فمن اجلها قررت أن أكتب هذا الموضوع باللغة العربية. أتمنى أن يحوز على رضاكم. و تحياتي لأميمو ;)  إن في مجتمعاتنا العربية هناك ظاهرة غريبة جدً لا أستطيع أن أجد لها مبرر و هذه الظاهرة أخذت تسيطر على عقولنا و طريقتنا في العيش. لسبب أو لآخر فإنني أجد مجتمعاتنا واقعة في حب وضع الحواجز بين كافة الأمور و النواحي الحياتية، إنها تحصر كل هذه النواحي في غرفة مغلقة، و الأسوأ من ذلك، فإنهم يسيئون تصنيف محتويات هذه الغرفة مما يؤدي إلى سوء في التوزيع و غباء في حل المشكلات. مثال على ذلك: هناك تلك المشكلة التي ربما ليست متطرقة في أذهان الجميع، ولكن هذا لا يعني أنها ليست ذات أهمية، و بإعتقادي فإنها السبب في الكثير من الشوائب المعلقة و التي تجعل من مجتمعاتنا آخذة بالرجوع إلى الوراء. إنه التطرق إلى توحيد العنصر لكل فئة أو أي عمل نقوم به، فعلى سبيل المثال، من أجل أن نقوم بمناقشة مشكلة سياسية، نناقش الأسباب السياسية فقط، فمن النادر أن نجد من يدخل العنصر الإجتماعي في هذا الموضوع، على الرغم من أن هناك الكثير من الأمور المشتركة و التي تجعل من حل المشكلة أمرا ...

The Big Mistake (Negativety!)

A lot of facts in our life cause much of a tension. People, for example, are the main cause for the problems that are ruining our societies and the few beautiful things that left in this time. We notice that the beautiful unforgotten memories from our childhood are no longer exist, there is a lack of innocence now, even for the little children. Happiness became hard to find, and evil is growing more and more inside people's hearts. Mistakes happen; there is no contradiction over this issue, mistakes in productions, in dealing with people, or in exams. There is absolutely no harm in this sort of mistakes, except one thing: if it had to with the world's fate, like a problem between two countries that leads to a war and mass destruction. But as I can imagine what can be a really big mistake is the lack of faith in people's hearts. In general, people do not feel that old good feeling that there is still peace among them and that is effecting their way of handling problems and i...

Remember God 'Allah'?

You will notice that I will talk about religion in the moral concept a lot. I think it is a necessity because many people nowadays think about their duty to their god is to only believe in him. I know that in order to be religious, we have to believe that there is a highest power above us that controls everything, this is a good start, but don't we have to continue this path of believing to the end of the road and see what is it like to be in a complete faith? My words looks confusing I know, therefore, I'll explain more. Let us talk specifically about Islam since I'm a Muslim and I live in a Muslim country. Unfortunately I'm noticing that most of people nowadays neglect the complete picture of believing in Allah and have faith, and it is leading us to a big dark hole of destruction. The popular idea of being religious now is to pray, patience in Ramadan, go to pilgrimage, and give money to the poor. Those of course the main elements of Islam. BUT, we are missing the bi...

Valentine Day

Happy Valentine for you all whether you believe in these things or not. Anyways..'celebrating' with this anniversary i wanted to talk about the cultural meaning of this day. I don't want to talk about the original story about Saint Valentine and all that..we all heard about it, and if someone did not .. try to google it, it is all over the web. What i want to talk about is how does people celebrate this day. Thousands of people buy gifts and offer flowers to their beloved ones, they say all these romantic words and may fool each other. You know why? Because this day has become some commercial profit, companies are competing to offer the best for these people, and they end up ruining the whole idea of love, not of a day that reminds us that we love each other. Because after this day, it is normal to see those 'happy' love birds having a fight because of the silliest things ever. Isn't love supposed to be deeper than a flower or a diamond ring? True love does not...


What traditions really mean? Is it some kind of costumes we need to wear in order to speak out of our inherent? Or is it some kind of behavior we need to follow to belong to the country we are living in? Whether it is this or that there is a point which need to be clarified: What if some of those traditions were wrong or unmeasured? I mean we are way ahead from our ancestors-obviously!- so why do we have to still imitate all that old behavior. We always say that we are in the age of improvement and we teach our children to improve their skills, but how can we improve ourselves if we kept looking backward?! We cannot say two different opposite things at the same time, it is confusing! I know that there are many good traditions that we need to preserve, but how about the bad ones? Instead of following every wrong rule we have, we should correct those rules and learn from them. Think about it, Is there any difference between our education now and the education long time ago?? Does your g...

Why "Paradise Lost"?

Probably you are wondering why i named my blog this name particularly. Paradise Lost was one of the essays that i have written in the last semester, and during the time i have worked on researching about this subject i have found many interesting things and themes which made me think about a lot of things. Let me first make a brief summary for the story. Paradise Lost is a story written in prose (poetic language) written by John Milton. It talks about the story of Adam and Eve; how they lived in paradise, and how they ended up on earth. The Plot: God created Adam and Eve as first humans, of course we all know the story of Satan's refusal to accept the human kind as a race which is more valued than his, so he decided to get in a fight with the angels and whoever was with the human's side. God did not allowed such actions from Satan so he kicked him and his followers from heaven, but he threatened that he'll find thousands of ways to make humans disobey God and be sinners...


Hey all, welcome to my blog here where u can find probably the most interesting things u can ever read. Well there is no category for what I'm going to talk about is random, and depends on my mood and brain condition. I make sure that it will remain interesting and suits each one who give me a little of his time to read this. Of course everyone in welcomed and no one will be kicked out, unless he's playing the jerk role of course. Ok, i don't want to talk very much, cuz this what i normally do ( I mean typing!) Anyways. feel free to feel like ur home and do whatever u want Thanks Blog Owner.